shmuel on political stock market

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Current posts from shmuel

Market ranking - current rank

Market Position Participants
Nationalratswahl Österreich 2019 11 101
Nationalratswahl Schweiz 2019 50 51
Democratic Presidential Nominee, 2020 17 71
Volksinitiative "NO Billag" 3 18
Grossratswahl Bern 2018 2 18
Swiss Senate elections 2015 88 95
Swiss House of Representatives 2015 - Canton Basel-Stadt 21 47
Swiss House of Representatives election 2015 – smallest parties 1 71
Swiss House of Representatives election 2015 – small parties 13 143
Swiss House of Representatives election 2015 – big parties 363 363
Swiss parliamentary elections 2015 26 28
Kantonsratswahl Luzern 2015 5 28
Kantonsratswahl Zürich 2015 14 31
Parlamentswahl Israel 2015 31 36
CH -Volksabstimmung «Gegen Masseneinwanderung» 11 19
Grossratswahl Kanton Bern 2014 2 53
Bundesratserneuerungswahl 2011 (1. Wahlgang Widmer-Schlumpf) 27 97
Candidates SPP for the Cabinet 2011 75 78
Senate elections - Canton Schwyz 2 63
Candidates SPP for the Cabinet 2011 8 83
Senate elections - Canton Aargau 16 222
Senate elections - Canton Bern 45 252
Senate elections - Canton Glarus 2 91
Senate elections - Canton Lucerne 7 116
Senate elections - Canton Schaffhausen 3 120
Senate elections - Canton Solothurn 29 179
Senate elections in Canton St. Gallen 6 345
Senate elections in Ticino 89 105
Senate elections - Canton Thurgau 11 131
Senate elections - Canton Uri 28 119
Senate elections - Canton Vaud 82 86
Ständeratswahlen 2011 - Kanton Zug 9 96
Senate elections - Canton Zurich 21 260
Swiss Senate elections - allocation of seats 2 457
Swiss Parliamentary election in Aargau 4 82
Swiss Senate election 2011 - Canton Appenzell Ausserrhoden 48 134
House of Representatives 2011 - Canton Basel-Landschaft 2 72
House of Representatives 2011 - Canton Basel-Stadt 2 144
House of Representatives 2011 - Canton Bern 1 149
House of Representatives 2011 - Canton Fribourg 3 113
House of Representatives 2011 - Canton Geneva 85 88
House of Representatives 2011 - Canton Graubünden 156 211
Swiss Parliamentary election in Neuchâtel 30 58
House of Representatives 2011 - Canton Ticino 11 112
House of Representatives 2011 - Canton Vaud 9 99
Swiss Parliamentary election in Zurich 134 143
Swiss parliamentary elections 2011 - Voter turnout 2 261
Swiss Cabinet election 2011 53 426
House of Representatives election 2011 – big parties 9 1,499
House of Representatives election 2011 – smallest parties 5 293
House of Representatives election 2011 – small parties 6 609

Market ranking - total

Market Position Participants
Swiss House of Representatives election 2015 – smallest parties 1 71
House of Representatives 2011 - Canton Bern 1 149
Grossratswahl Bern 2018 2 18
Grossratswahl Kanton Bern 2014 2 53
Swiss Senate elections - allocation of seats 2 457
Senate elections - Canton Schwyz 2 63
Swiss parliamentary elections 2011 - Voter turnout 2 261
Senate elections - Canton Glarus 2 91
House of Representatives 2011 - Canton Basel-Stadt 2 144
House of Representatives 2011 - Canton Basel-Landschaft 2 72
Volksinitiative "NO Billag" 3 18
Senate elections - Canton Schaffhausen 3 120
House of Representatives 2011 - Canton Fribourg 3 113
Swiss Parliamentary election in Aargau 4 82
Kantonsratswahl Luzern 2015 5 28
House of Representatives election 2011 – smallest parties 5 293
Senate elections in Canton St. Gallen 6 345
House of Representatives election 2011 – small parties 6 609
Senate elections - Canton Lucerne 7 116
Candidates SPP for the Cabinet 2011 8 83
House of Representatives election 2011 – big parties 9 1,499
House of Representatives 2011 - Canton Vaud 9 99
Ständeratswahlen 2011 - Kanton Zug 9 96
Nationalratswahl Österreich 2019 11 101
CH -Volksabstimmung «Gegen Masseneinwanderung» 11 19
Senate elections - Canton Thurgau 11 131
House of Representatives 2011 - Canton Ticino 11 112
Swiss House of Representatives election 2015 – small parties 13 143
Kantonsratswahl Zürich 2015 14 31
Senate elections - Canton Aargau 16 222
Democratic Presidential Nominee, 2020 17 71
Senate elections - Canton Zurich 21 260
Swiss parliamentary elections 2015 26 28
Bundesratserneuerungswahl 2011 (1. Wahlgang Widmer-Schlumpf) 27 97
Senate elections - Canton Uri 28 119
Swiss House of Representatives 2015 - Canton Basel-Stadt 21 47
Senate elections - Canton Solothurn 29 179
Swiss Parliamentary election in Neuchâtel 30 58
Parlamentswahl Israel 2015 31 36
Senate elections - Canton Bern 45 252
Swiss Senate election 2011 - Canton Appenzell Ausserrhoden 48 134
Nationalratswahl Schweiz 2019 50 51
Swiss Cabinet election 2011 53 426
Candidates SPP for the Cabinet 2011 75 78
Senate elections - Canton Vaud 82 86
House of Representatives 2011 - Canton Geneva 85 88
Swiss Senate elections 2015 88 95
Senate elections in Ticino 89 105
Swiss Parliamentary election in Zurich 134 143
House of Representatives 2011 - Canton Graubünden 156 211
Swiss House of Representatives election 2015 – big parties 363 363
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All national and state elections as well as important special, local and mayoral elections and votes.

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